All posts by LBDWrite4Him

About LBDWrite4Him

I write inspirational historical fiction because I value tales of past generations who overcame hardship through faith and grit. Such lives testify to the hope and healing found outside themselves. As such, they can inform and inspire today’s generations. As the current Jerry B. Jenkins Operation First Novel Award winner, I am anticipating the release of my debut historical novel, THE CALLING OF ELLA MCFARLAND, on December 1, 2015. I am a grateful and honored to be spreading the Good News about God's love, a journey that reaches beyond the ordinary through Jesus.

Water’s Edge

Might I have missed my calling as an attorney? Perhaps. Now that I’m retired from forty years of teaching kids with special needs, I can daydream in the world of attorneys through Robert Whitlow’s stories. I devour his novels. Although published by Thomas Nelson in 2011, the latest on my bookshelf is Water’s Edge.

Ambitious young lawyer Tom Crane expects to become a partner in a high-profile firm. But first, he has to close down his deceased father’s law practice in a small Georgia town. God is about to knock the socks off this self-sufficient young man.

Get the book and see how.